2016 Love-a-Thon!

1. What’s your name?

Lizzie! Technically it’s Elizabeth, but that’s just no fun is it?

2. Where in the world are you blogging from?

Sacramento, California. Northern California is beautiful, it deserves more love and attention! And bookish events that aren’t  just in San Fransico…

3. How did you get into blogging in the first place?

I had always been an avid reader of other YA book blogs, just too intimidated by the whole process to feel motivated enough to start my own. A few month ago, I applied to be a co-blogger over at In Wonderland Book Blog and the owner of the blog, Stephanie, offered me the position! I have learned SO much in the past four months as a co-blogger on her site. Everything from format, writing style, and requesting galleys. Learning all that stuff helped my writing confidence grow ten fold. Enough so that I felt confident in my ability to start this blog a few weeks ago!

4. How did you come up with your blog name?

I wanted something that sounded pretty and acted as an extension of my personality. I don’t want this blog to focus ONLY on bookish things, I wanted it to be like an “everything bagel” of my girly nerdy interests. SO, I started playing around with phrases that included the word nerd in it. The first that came to mind was “Talk Nerdy to Me,” but sadly that domain name was already taken. Then, Fleur de lis popped into my head. I tried Fleur de Nerd at first but had trouble with that domain. Frustrated, I talked to one of my friends who speaks fluent french, and he suggested Fleurs et Nerds. It means “flowers and nerds,” and I thought it sounded perfect.

5. What genre do you read and review the most on your blog?

My heart sings for YA, does opera for fantasy, and falsetto for sci-fi. I particularly stick to: those two, paranormal, dystopian, magical realism, and post-apocalyptic. I enjoy reading contemporary as well, but I definitely have to be in the mood for it!

6. What other types of posts do you do on your blog, apart from reviews?

I have a few series that are in the works, but a few that are already up are podcast features, discussions, and a series called “Nerds Need Inspiration: from fiction to non-fiction” where I talk about taking inspiration from the books I read and applying them to my own life. Similar to the “beyond the pages” posts that a lot of other bloggers do — just with a nerdy twist!

7. Best blogging experience so far?

Since this blog is so new, my best experience thus far was when one of my posts got its fist comment. It was SO kind, and made me feel amazing. When I finally built up enough courage to start this blog, I really didn’t think many people would care to read it. Seeing that comment gave me the motivation to continue even if no one really reads my posts. It made me want to keep doing it for me, because I love it.

8. Favorite thing about the blogging community?

Everyone is so kind!! I don’t think that I have encountered a single person that wasn’t encouraging and welcoming towards me. I’m slowly making more friends, there is nothing quite like meeting “your people.”

9. Name the 5 books you’re most excited for this 2016!

As always, this is impossible for me to pick. But, nerds do love a good challenge. I consulted my Goodreads shelves, and here is what they had to say:

  1. Three Dark Crowns by Kendare Blake
  2. Strange the Dreamer by Laini Taylor
  3. A Shadow Bright and Burning by Jessica Cluess
  4. Untitled Book 5 in the Throne of Glass Series by Sarah J. Maas
  5. Lady Midnight by Cassandra Clare

10. Name the 5 books you want to read this 2016 that you didn’t get to in previous years!

My TBR shelf is bulging with books that I’m determined to get to this year. Some that have been sitting for way too long are:

  1. The Final Empire by Brandon Sanderson
  2. Percy Jackson and the Lightening Theif by Rick Riordan
  3. The Darkest Minds by Alexandra Bracken
  4. Uprooted by Niomi Novik
  5. The Coldest Girl in Coldtown by Holly Black

11. What’s an underrated book or series that you think everyone should read?

This is a hard one for me, I find myself always reading the books that get the most attention over blogs and booktube. But, there are a few series that I have fallen in love with that totally deserve some love. At the top of that list is: The Unearthly Series by Cynthia Hand! The romance, the angels, the villain – so good.

12. Which book boy or girl would be your book BFF?

I think my book BFF would have to be Natalie Cleary from Emily Henry’s The Love That Split The World. She is the coolest, funniest, wittiest, gal pal around. I am pretty much 100% sure that she would be the best shoulder to cry, and always there to kick my ass when I need it. What more could a girl ask for?

13. Which book boy or girl would be your book boyfriend/girlfriend?

My heart and soul belong to one William Herondale from the Infernal Defices Series by Cassandra Clare. I can’t really describe what it is about him that makes him my one true love. Is it his brooding poetic nature? His tenderness? HIS WITT. I think it’s really all of the things that make him, perfect.

14. Who would you recruit for your apocalypse squad (5 characters max)

You just know your girl (aka me) has already thought this through *ahem*

  1. Captin Thorne – for his luck
  2. IKO – because duh, it’s IKO
  3. Will Herondale – for something pretty to look at, oh, and for protection
  4. Manon Blackbeak – she could bring Abroxos!
  5. Natalie Cleary – a girl needs her best friend during the end of the world!

15. Apart from reading, what are your other hobbies or interests?

My nerd senses go aflutter for drawing — both digitally and using Copic markers — nothing quite like creating. I also love playing on my 3DS, though I’m not very good at it!

16. Apart from book shopping, what else do you like shopping for?

More art supplies, more pajamas, and furniture.

17. At a party, the DJ suddenly changes the song – and it’s your song. What song would be playing?

That would be the ultra funky tune: Bottlez by T-Pain.

18. Pick out either a book you want turned into a film/TV show, or a film/TV show you want turned into a book.

A Darker Shade of Magic by V.E Schwab turned into a show – OH WAIT! 😀

19. What would your dream library look like

Floor to ceiling wooden shelves, books covering the floor, on nightstands, and tables. All in a small cottage in the woods. (Hot lumberjack required)

20. Author you want to meet and sit down to tea with?

Tahereh Mafi.

And now, I bid you ado:

Thank you so much for taking the time to visit my little corner of the internet! Tell me all your thoughts down in the comments, or find me on Twitter @nerddelizzie 🙂


26 thoughts on “2016 Love-a-Thon!

  1. Cee says:


    I love your name. It just rolls off the tongue (and eyes in the sense that it looks visually good ;D). Also, lovinnnnng that you have Iko in your apocalypse crew! (and your reasoning for it is PERF.)


  2. Nicole says:

    Hi Lizzie!

    First, I love the name of your blog and how you came up with it. It really is pretty 🙂
    I’m so happy to hear you’re having a great experience in the book blogging community. I still consider myself a new blogger, and it has been extraordinary. You’re right, everyone is so nice!
    I really enjoyed The Darkest Minds, and I’m currently reading The Passenger right now. I hope to read your review on The Darkest Minds in the future!

    Have a wonderful weekend and I hope you have a great Love-A-Thon experience!


  3. Books in Character says:

    Hey Liz,
    I am waiting on Lady Midnight too! I am so curious.
    I wanted to say that I like your blog name and sexy too! Haha, not to be weird or anything 😉



    • fleursetnerds says:

      Being in NorCal is kind of the best. Drive two hours to the beach, or two hours the opposite way and you find snow.
      Also, read them in publication order!! You will get all the references that way 😉


  4. Cyra says:

    I love your blog name! It’s so cool! You DEFINITELY need to read The Darkest Minds! It is my all time favorite series! Sooooo gooooood! I also hope to read Uprooted soon! I have had it forever, but haven’t had the time to read it yet! And ahhh I need to read A Darker Shade of Magic before the TV show comes out!


  5. Alexa S. (@alexalovesbooks) says:

    I really liked The Unearthly series too! I read it a couple of years ago, but I flew through it 😉 I’m glad to see you recommend it here. I have thoughts on your TBR, as I spy a few excellent reads on here. I am OBSESSED with Rick Riordan’s novels. He’s so good at writing mythology in a way that’s accessible and interesting, and I love all his series! I also really enjoyed The Darkest Minds, which I binge read and absolutely LOVED. And Uprooted is beautifully written and clever! Hope you get around to reading them this year!


    • fleursetnerds says:

      I’m so surprised more people don’t talk about it! Tucker was beyond swoon worthy. I’m excited to read Percy Jackson, I’ve seen the movies and liked them a lot. So many people tell me that the books are 1000% better, so I cannot imagine what they are going to be like! I hope I can read all I’m planning for! I feel like this year tons and tons of amazing books are being released that I keep straying from my TBR and reading new releases! Next month I’m hoping to knock a few long standing TBRs off my shelves


  6. Aditi says:

    Percy Jackson! You MUST read it. I love your apocalypse squad, I’m pretty sure you’ll survive it will all of them, especially IKO!

    I cant WAIT to read Throne of Glass #5 SEPTEMBER. COME SOONER.

    New Follower.

    Aditi @ http://athousandwordsamillionbooks.blogspot.in/

    P.S: I’m so happy your name is half French, I’ve been learning it for four years, and when I knew the word, I felt like a total pro:P


    • fleursetnerds says:

      Hahah thank you! I think it’s perfect for people who can never make up their mind, soooo many nicknames to choose from! Also, I hope so too! SO many people have been talking about it, I think I might have to pick it up next 🙂


  7. Sharon @ The Book Barbies says:

    Unearthly series, YES! I don’t see those mentioned often enough anymore. They are fantastic. And it’s one of the only triangles I’ve ever felt really conflicted about, because it was very well done (but TUCKER ♥ ♥ ♥).

    I hadn’t heard of A Shadow Bright and Burning before now, but I AM SO THERE. Completely intrigued.

    YES TO TAHEREH MAFI. I just want to bask in her awesomeness. Plus, she seems like she would just be so interesting to talk to!


  8. Andrea @ The Overstuffed Bookcase says:

    Welcome to the blogging community! I love your writing and your humor! I couldn’t find your Twitter account on this blog but I went to In Wonderland Book Blog and found it over there. (That sounds kind of stalkerish but I promise, I just thought to myself, I want to follow this girl on Twitter! She sounds cool!) So now I’m following you. I’m @OverstuffedBook. 🙂

    Three Dark Crowns sounds so good, doesn’t it? And I need to read The Final Empire and Uprooted, too. I have both of those just chilling on my shelves, waiting to be read… And I LOVE Thorne and Iko. They are great for an apocalypse squad!

    Have fun during the rest of the LoveAThon!


    • fleursetnerds says:

      Hahaha not stalkerish at all! I know!! ALL DA GOOD BOOKS! I’m gorging myself on them lately, and it’s been fantastic. What I wouldn’t do for ARCs of those books 😍 You have a good weekend too 🙂


  9. NicoleLynn says:

    I love your blog name! All the answers were lovely to read and I’m so happy you decided to start this blog! Can’t wait to follow along with your posts 🙂 Also your dream library (with required hot lumberjack) sounds absolutely divine 😉


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